Huston (Unicorns Rather) We Have A Problem! Reexamining our Misunderstandings of Abundance and Prioritization
“A great many years ago, I purchased a fine dictionary. The first thing I did with it was to turn to the word ‘impossible,’ and neatly clip it out of the book. That would not be an unwise thing for you to do.”- Napoleon Hill
Unicorns, we have a problem! And, ironically, it is not the original problem that I thought we had. So, it has occurred to me via conversations with customers and with my own progeny over the last four months that we have a real gifting problem in our society. What I mean is that, for some reason people never feel comfortable receiving gifts or even worse taking the time to gift themselves. Simple problem to solve right? You just have to help people become more comfortable with the idea of gifting and being gifted, right?
WRONG! DEAD ASS WRONG! What I thought was a minor problem in our society is not that simple at all. What I have discovered through my various interactions and conversations is that most people DO appreciate a good gift, and most people DO want to gift themselves, but what I have discovered, is in fact, the root cause of why people do not feel comfortable acting upon those impulses. You want to know what that is? Ok keep reading …
The problem, I have discovered, is NOT that we have a gifting problem, its worse than that! The problem is that we have an abundance and a prioritizing problem!
What do I mean by that? We have an abundance problem…ok so let me break this down in to simple and digestible terms. So, we know a couple things about the law of attraction, we have come to understand that the law of attraction states a couple of things, 1) that like attracts like, correct? And 2) (and this is where we get to the meat of the issue), that the universe will only ever give you what you ask for. Therefore, if you are feeling abundance then you live an abundant life. If you are always feeling like you have less than, then there ya go! The Universe cannot distinguish between these two thoughts, so you are granted what you desire; to have less than. Its that simple.
Oddly and annoyingly enough, it is probably one of the simplest conceptual laws we have, yet the one we repeatedly mess up time and time again. I often have to remind myself that I live in a state of abundance more than I do not. In fact, in a recent conversation with my daughter, Ariel the other day, she reminded me of this in a simple statement she made about how she feels more abundance when she is giving then when she is not. I immediately thought about my own life and how at various times in my own life that I got the whole abundance thing wrong.
Again, it is simple, you cannot experience more if you are living in the mindset that you will have less if you give more.
This is why, whenever I am able, I give! I not only give gifts I give the gift of time and the gift of attention. We have come so accustom to having less that it has become a part of our lives and it is something that trickles down into everything we do. Think about how many times you said to yourself or to someone else “I am so sorry, but I am so busy, I just don’t have enough time”.
You see it now? Because there it is again, living in a mindset of having less than…the truth is that we are granted an infamous amount of time on this earth; it is a fallacy that we don’t have the time because we most certainly do! As long as we are still alive, breathing, and upright (in some form or fashion) then we have an abundance of time, money, and energy to do all and accomplish all that we desire.
So, this brings me to our next problem, priorities! We have a problem with prioritizing our lives to include ourselves in the equation. I am sure during the course of your day you examine and ponder all the needs of those in your life; your husband’s needs, your wife’s needs, your children’s needs, your bosses needs, your friends needs, and probably if you are like me, even your damn pet’s needs…but how often do you personally enter into that equation?
If you had to think about that statement, you already know the answer; you are probably not making yourself a priority because you have probably been living in a state and of the mindset of less than as opposed to living in a state and the mindset of abundance. Without going to deep, because this really is a WHOLE other conversation, I believe both our love affair with less than and our lack of being better able to prioritize are probably two of the main reasons most relationships fail or at the very least struggle.
Again, it’s simple…(and say it with me again) YOU CAN NOT LIVE A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE IF YOU ARE LIVING YOUR LIFE WITH A MINDSET OF LESS THAN. The universe will only ever give you what you ask for, what you live for, and what you see for yourself. You see debt? Well wish granted you get more debt! You want more riches, bamm! There you go wish granted more riches …the trick is to not be so dependent on how the abundance comes to you…just ask and be prepared to receive. That is the special sauce…ask and be prepared to receive.
Ok that is it for me today folks! Remember to make yourself a priority today and everyday and remember to always let …your gratitude for others fuel your attitude!
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Carol Hill at the Showroom North |
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