How to Ignite Another's Joy and Happiness!
If you know a thing or two about the delicate balance between
happiness and sadness you know this one all important fact, happiness
for the most part is truly an inside job. To achieve a state of joy and
sustainable levels of mental, emotional, and spiritual peace, one must
become better aligned with one's own actions, one's own inactivity, and one's own place within our universe ( yes, believe it or not we all have a place!).
It is not enough to be fueled from our external environment because the external environments we live in are both self limiting in their effects, and they are fickle as to what could be deemed joyful and/or what is perceived as the achieving of a state of happiness. Simply put, our externally fueled joy can turn on a dime. We who know or who are beginning to understand happiness in its
truest and most intimate form have come to understand that our joy is
cemented within; there can be no other way.I'll say it again for those who may have not heard me in the back... " our joy is cemented from within!"
This, however, is not to imply we cannot or will never benefit from our external stimuli. the external can indeed
help to power our core. In fact, its what I like to call the stuff above the frosting on our cakes' of life. Having an external source of joy is
like the sprinkles on our cake
over and above the frosting,
making the sweetness even sweeter, proving color and texture to our
internal joy 🤩. It’s indeed a balance, a fragile balance between how we
allow our external environment to fuel our joy and our happiness; it’s
the purest and truest form of Energy Synergy(c).
So, to that I say become the fuel that ignites someone’s joy today.
Find a way to set the wheels of internal joy in motion by doing these
simple little things:
- Smile Big and greet them passionately ( not to passionately....stalking is a crime 😁 ).
- Acknowledge their presence and show them they matter.
- Value and validate their feelings; we all need to be heard and our thoughts and feelings validated.
- Show them support when they can’t seem to support themselves.
- Show up when they need you, and
- Shower them with praise.
That’s it! Not anything earth shattering, but doing these few
simple things I can guarantee you will help lift someone’s spirits and
help to ignite their inner happiness and joy!
Until next time remember to always let your gratitude fuel your attitude!
Carol Hill is a mom, a long time nurse, certified professional life and leadership development coach, a consultant, and Lead Happiness Ambassador and the owner/operator of Just Chill Custom Gifting By Carol.
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