A Word From Your Happiness Ambassador: Carol Hill
Sometimes in life we are dealt a hand we didn’t choose, yet and still, it is up to us as individuals to do the best we can to play fairly and honestly with the hand that we’ve been given.
This past week I was dealt a hand that I never asked for and
because of this it’s become a hand that has had various impacts on my daily routine, it’s served to
become a kind of barrier to my healthcare plan, and it’s forced me to step back
and sit for sometime in the solitude of my own thoughts and emotions.
Ironically enough, I suppose the path of my life in many ways has prepared me for this
moment and because of that, instead of being down and depressed I’ve
decided to see this extra time as a blessing and to take it as an opportunity to do more with my life and with the time this great and beautiful universe has granted me.
I am seeing it as an opportunity to expand and explore my life goals , to develop and
grow my business, and in the words of someone familiar with my
circumstances to "take the time to be creative" (insert a bit of sarcasm and an eye roll to that last remark lol).
So what am I doing ? Well, I’m both eagerly and passionately creating the life I want to live and daily I’m
manifesting the things I need within my own life that are going to further support and foster my
forward moving moment.
So...for me...
Just Chill Custom Gifting By Carol is at the foundation to
creating and reaching my life goals. I’m excited at the prospects of what’s to
come, and above all, I’m relentless in my mission to bring joy to others and invoke a
new era of happiness and joy within my home and within the community I love.
Honestly, I think so many people underestimate how the power of positivity and how it can impact their
lives. It’s not simply that you are positive in your thinking , it’s
more than that, a lot more. Living in a positive state of being is a way of life!
It’s a commitment to a lifestyle that is cemented in laws of attraction, love and kindness, and more importantly it is the foundation by which I’ve been able to start building and developing this business.It is for me, HOPE! And honestly who couldn't use a bit of hope these days?
So, I suppose the question now is, how will you choose to use the cards of life you’ve been dealt
with today? Will you slide easily into a position of self pitying and projection blaming ? Or will you rise above your current circumstances
to become an even better version of yourself.
The choice is up to you
and you only. However, my sincere hope and wish for you is that you choose love,
kindness, optimism and joy as your own way forward.
Thanks for stopping by! And always remember to let “Your Gratitude Fuel Your Attitude”.
Ps. Check out our new url for Just Chill Custom
Gifting By Carol by clicking here. Please note we are still under construction
however. Projected opening for orders October 24th 2020; more to come on that as well!
Also, although LEAD Coaching & Consulting Services LLC is dissolved as a business entity, please note that
my Certified Professional Coaching practice has not! To schedule a coaching appointment please
click here. I have slots open all every day except Fridays and Sundays
10/7/20-10/15/20 via phone or zoom room sessions. After that time please
access the scheduling site for availability.
For Coaching Questions email Carolhill@theleaddifference.com
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