The Reckoning that is 2020: Why Kindness and Service to Others is Our Way Forward
The Reckoning that is 2020: Why Kindness and Service to Others is Our Way Forward
By Carol L Hill, Certified Professional Coach & Owner of Just Chill Custom Gifting
“Faith is not without worry or care, but faith is fear that has said a prayer.”
~Author unknown
Over the course of the last few months there has been a great deal of conversation related to the biblical and/or metaphysical impacts of what we have become to know as the year 2020. I, myself have written in Facebook posts how 2020 may in fact be a year that we come to recognize as the year of visual alignment; 2020 vision. This is the year where we may be expected to grow and expand within our existence, and possibly prepare ourselves for a transcendent reckoning. Some people have referred to this as the “Great Awakening” and some have dubbed it the swallowing of a “red pill” of truth. But what is truth? Who holds the key to what is and what truth is not.
I, on the other hand, call it a divine intervention of self-regulation and self-awareness. I am, in a sense, waking from a mental slumber but the pills I have swallowed have no color, there is no distinction only truths as I have come to know and understand them. These truths are concerned with what we do in the now of today and in this moment. It concerns itself with the how and the what that we do for the good of the people, the betterment of our communities, and how we relate and interact with those that we hold in high regard.
To us, these people need not be family or blood relation to receive our blessings of caring and kindness. They only need to be a part of our vast and wonderful ecosystem. Honestly, they really do not need to be people at all…our love and our caring of and for our world transcends the flesh of men…there is no distinction.
In this time we do not exclude anyone or anything, we do not separate, and we draw no distinctions between one another. For the real healers seek to heal those in their world void of classifications or labels. In this state of reckoning we are no longer divided by race or class or politics in this moment if we are steadfast in our charge of change and growth; we see each other as brother and as sister. We are the mothers of our people and the fathers of our people, without distinction.
If you bleed, I bleed and if you succeed, I too will succeed. The only distinction that is draw is the one between “old self “and “new self”. What is your old self clinging fast to? What is your new self-longing for? Can these two opposing forces live in harmony as one or will one have to be sacrificed to satisfy this reckoning. I have no clear answers for you for I too am undergoing a transformation of self, whereby self, is with much velocity, seeking to shed itself of old and unnecessary ideals and ideas.
New self is seeking ways to serve in a greater capacity without setting its soul on fire to satisfy those we seek to serve. New self, in this moment, is reaching for any and all energy and matter that seeks higher vibrational levels of gratitude and kindness. The heart of my ally must in this instance be matched, if the heart of my ally is true it won’t seek to hurt, harm or otherwise erase what God and Spirit has created. There is no space for hate or harm and there is no time for the development of enemies. This level of vibration is outdated and a waste of energy.
What I have come to understand to be true in this year that is 2020 is that you can’t have it both ways, in fact, to be of service or in the service of others is to love to a higher level than our superficial labeling of self and of another’s. You are indeed greater than the sum total of your societal inherited labels. But this is only true if you believe this to be true. If you cannot separate yourself from the crowd then you will never see your true purpose in life. You will fail to benefit fully from the reckoning that is 2020. It can be no other way. This is truth.
Carol Hill is a certified life coach and self-proclaimed happiness ambassador. For more information about coaching and to book a coaching appointment call 607-423-2650. A New Booking site will be available after August 15th, 2020.
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